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Cyber Punk Racing at its Finest


Accelerate is a cyberpunk combat racing game developed in Unreal Engine 4. Developed by a small team of 10 core members. We drove our ideas into creating the best possible racing game to sit down and enjoy with your friends on the couch.


Technical Design

As a technical designer for Accelerate, my primary job was working with the programmers to prototype fast and efficiently. However, this was not the only hat I wore, as I also worked on the design and implementation of the UI and HUD systems.


My assistance with prototyping was crucial to development, as many of our programmers had little to no experience with Unreal Engine at the time. Because of this, I acted as our team's lead Technical Assistant, helping develop the logic behind mechanics like the weapon pickups, the boost system, and our modular track generator.
Overall the project was an incredible learning experience regarding communication, planning, and prototyping in UE4. 


Additionally, I was responsible for creating the main menu widgets. This was a difficult task as the design team had little experience creating User Interfaces that all players can use easily without any confusion.
My goal with our Main Menu was to get players into the action as soon as possible, allowing quick and efficient navigation through simple button combinations. This navigation style allows for easy memorization of which buttons to push to get your preferred car model and color setup that you may enjoy. 
Lastly, our futuristic cyberpunk art style with neon colors was easy to showcase through our main menu by using dynamic shapes and vibrant neon colors to give off a chaotic and punk tone through our UI.

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